Wolseley HP10 Doctor’s Coupé - 1922 by Perico001 Of noble...

Wolseley HP10 Doctor’s Coupé - 1922 by Perico001 Of noble roots.

Wolseley, one of the oldest British companies, was run by Herbert Austin before he founded his own firm, and the Hon. Charles S. Rolls was one of its drivers. Another great name in the history of this “Doctor’s Coupé” was Stuart Lewis Evan’s mother. Her son was one of the leading Vanwall drivers in the late 50s. A sample of English history !

1.222 cc
4 in-line

The Former English Marques (Pre-War)

Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille
Château de Chantilly
France - Frankrijk
September 2016 https://flic.kr/p/T4Mxjo

from Tumblr https://66.media.tumblr.com/3d39f8d2836e5bea8347889859243b8e/6510208a41256985-2e/s500x750/85f107782b29809d50f54c30a3ebf75d68059aeb.jpg