Short Film: Cristian Sosa Metal Work Masterclass – At MotoRRetro

This short film showcases the series of hands-on lessons in custom motorcycle fuel tank design and fabrication that were given to the MotoRRetro student body by Cristian Sosa of Sosa Metalworks, a world renowned custom metal-shaping and fabrication workshop based in the heart of Las Vegas.

MotoRRetro was founded in 2015 by Vaughan Ryan and Georgio Rimi to create a classically styled coachbuilding workshop in Sydney, Australia that would both build and restore cars, and teach students from around the world all the skills they needed to build and restore their own vehicles.

Cristian Sosa MotoRRetro

Here from left to right we see Vaughan Ryan, Cristian Soso, and Georgio Rimi. In the background you can see one of the many cars that’s partway through a restoration at MotoRRetro.

By 2019, just four years after MotoRRetro was founded, the company had established a global reputation for their work and the training they offer. Not long after the global pandemic hit and very nearly resulted in MotoRRetro shutting down for good.

Thankfully, Ryan and Rimi managed to keep the lights on despite having very little work coming in and essentially no students at all. By 2022 the world had turned the corner and they began restoring and building cars apace, and holding new classes for people who want to learn the finer points of restoration, metal shaping, and welding.

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Cristian Sosa’s custom motorcycle builds, all done under his company name Sosa Metalworks, have won him worldwide acclaim.

The series of classes led by Cristian Sosa of Sosa Metalworks occurred recently at MotoRRetro, with students coming not just from the Sydney metropolitan area but from around the country, as people didn’t want to miss the chance to work under Sosa and pickup some new skills.

If you’d like to learn more about MotoRRetro or attend some classes you can visit their official website here, and if you’d like to see more from Cristian Sosa you can visit Sosa Metalworks here.

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Images courtesy of Andrew Jones – Machines That Dream

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