Bio-Robotic Arm Controlled By Brain Signal Created by Kenyan Inventors

Kenyan inventors David Gathu and Moses Kinyua had to drop out of university due to lack of means to pay tuition fees. This did not seem to be a hindrance for these robotics enthusiasts.
They created a robotic arm made of several materials, including recycled wood, and controlled by brain signals. These signals are converted into electrical current by a bio-potential headset “NeuroNode”. This electrical current allows the arm to move vertically and horizontally.

“It is a biorobotic upper limb arm prosthesis that uses brain signals for the hand to move it according to your wishes. This biorobotic hand uses these brain signals, amplifies them, filters them and converts them into electrical current, which is further pushed to the robot’s circuitry, which means it can convert users’ thoughts into movement.”

David Gathu

The next step for the two young inventors is to find the necessary funds for larger scale production of their invention.

H/T: Euronews

L’article Bio-Robotic Arm Controlled By Brain Signal Created by Kenyan Inventors est apparu en premier sur Steampunk Tendencies.

Via Steampunk Tendencies